Gynecological examination
Gynecology is a branch of medicine dealing with female reproductive system, its diseases and treatment.
The word gynecology is of Greek origin “gine” meaning woman and “logos” meaning science.
Gynecology is closely connected with obstetrics; it follows and studies changes in women’s bodies throughout pregnancy until delivery.

At the Atlas general hospital the following examinations for diagnosing and treating diseases of genital female organs can be performed:
– conventional examinations, bacteriological and mycotic cultures
– cervix colposcopy and PAP tests
– biopsies, cauterisations, laser interventions, radio waves and thermocauter interventions.
– vaginal ultrasound- hormonal examinations, menstrual disorders and menopause-fertility problems, stimulation of ovulation, insemination-complete examination of pregnant women
– ultrasound with color doppler, 4D ultrasound, high risk pregnancies, CTG, prenatal diagnostics of chromosome abnormalities (chorionic villus campling, amniocentesis and cortosynthesis)
- By manual examination it is possible to get a full insight into the condition of genital female organs especially uterus,ovaries and the surrounding tissue.
- PAP test is used for early detection of cervical changes.
- Colposcopy is a microscopic examination of cervix surface and vulva which combined with PAP test can with great certainty (25%) detect changes on the cervix.
Abdominal or vaginal ultrasound is used to diagnose possible changes on the internal genital organs as well as to examine the anatomy of coccyx, uterus and ovaries. Thus, it is possible to diagnose ovarian and uterine tumors. Infertility causes, follicle measurements and inflammatory processes can also be followed by ultrasound.
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Experts: Gynecology
Dr Luka Anđelić
أخصائي في امراض النساء والولادةDr Nikolina Vulić
متخصص في أمراض النساء والتوليدDr Predrag Jokanović
أخصائي في امراض النساء والولادةProf.dr Rajka Argirović
أخصائي في امراض النساء والولادة