Hashimoto’s tyreoiditis is autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland. Here we can find inflammation of the thyroid gland due to disorders of the immune system. Therefore, immune system with its “fault” develops antibodies that attack thyroid gland. So, Hashimoto’s tyreoditis is characterized by the presence of thyroid antibodies in the circulation, and all of this leads to dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
The name of this disease is after the Japanese doctor and scientist Hakaru Hashimoto, who first described it, back in 1912, and in his honor is called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The causes of this disease have not yet been fully clarified, which also applies to all other autoimmune disorders. So far, the known causes are:
viral and bacterial infections
psychophysical stress
genetic predisposition
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis most commonly shows up in middle aged women, between 30- 50 years, but this autoimmune disease are seen most often in younger patients.
Is Hashimoto’s followed by hypo or hyperthyroidism?
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is disorder where we can find lowered production of thyroid gland hormones and tissue of the gland can also be changed permanently if disease lasts for longer time. Basic characteristic of this chronic autoimmune disease is lowered level of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4)- hypothyroidism. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is characterized by the presence of “struma diffusa” or goiter, I or II degree. Clinical picture can be dynamic or stabilized, with signs of euthyreose, hyper or hypothyreosis. It can happen that the beginning of the disease we find passing hyperthyroidism, and in the final stage of the disease we often see hypothyroidism.
However, in early phases of Hashimoto’s disease following symtoms may be seen: tachycardia (heart rate that exceeds the normal resting rate), excessive sweating, loss of body mass…And after that we can find completely opposite symptoms: slow heart rate (bradycardia), absence of sweating, gain weight and and all the other that characterizes hypothyreosis.
Symptoms of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis do not have to be noticeable
Symptoms of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis do not have to be noticeable and often are different from one person to another. Very often patients on the beginning of the disease do not notice any symptoms. As the symptoms gradually and insidiously develop, patients are adapting to the disease, to they accept it as part of everyday’s life. Often characteristic tiredness, as one of the leading symptoms of hypothyreosis, is linked with aging, and it can have serious consequences.
It is rather dangerous when certain health conditions with numerous symptoms are ignored and are regarded as “normal”, where we could find dangerous disease as Hashimoto’s. That’s why it is important to know which set of the symptoms can indicate this type of disorder.
When main symptoms of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis prevail, main symptoms are tiredness and exhaustion. Beside that, often comes to goiter, or enlargement of the thyroid gland that can be visible on the neck. Struma, or goiter can cause hoarseness and/or problem with swallowing.
As Hashimoto’s usually means enlargement of the thyroid gland with its reduced function, the following symptoms usually occur:
-Declining concentration and memory capacity
-Difficult awakening and drowsiness already in the early evening hours
-Depression (and loss of will)
-Intolerance to cold
-Sweating loss
-Obesity (weight gain with the same food intake)
-Slow heartbeat
– Slow motion and speech
– Muscle pain
– Retention of liquids in the body (face, hands, feet …)
– Blurred vision
– Occasional or very frequent stool closures (constipation)
– Menstrual disorder
– Libido problems
So, it is best to pay attention to these symptoms!
Atlas General Hospital enables to do all examinations in one day and setting up an adequate diagnosis.
In Atlas General Hospital it is possible to diagnose and cure thyroid gland and it includes:
Endocrinology examination
Laboratory analysis of hormones of thyroid gland (T3 and T4)
Hormone analysis of pituitary that influence function of thyroid gland (TSH)
Analysis of antibodies
Ultrasound examination
How dangerous is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?
Number of patients with Hashimoto’s disease is in increasing every year, in our country and world wide. That is the case for many other autoimmune diseases. One of the reasons for such a case is progress in medicine diagnostic and the fact that laboratory analysis are more often done, so Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is discovered accidentally, which is rather good.
Timely detected and adequately treated Hashimoto’s thyroiditis has a good prognosis. In case it is discovered late and cured inadequately it can lead to several complications, on first place, those that are related to metabolism.
Here can be found: diabetes, increased values of cholesterol and triglycerides, cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, dementia and irreversible changes of the thyroid gland tissue. When metabolic function in the organism is disturbed, there is a disruption of the function of key systems and processes.
Treatment in Atlas General Hospital
In Atlas General Hospital you can get complete treatment: all the necessary analysis, diagnostic and treatment of the thyroid gland. After examination and based on the result, if Hashimoto’s disease is diagnosed, an adequate therapy is prescribed.
However, that is not the end of the story, autoimmune diseases have to be controlled regularly, so occasional check ups are obligational. Treatment of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis lasts for a lifetime. In some cases it is not necessary to treat Hashimoto’s with medicines, but is necessary to follow this disease regularly.
With special, adequate diet and therapy with enough amount of liquids that should be taken, experts of Atlas Hospital will help you to handle this disease with success. If you feel some of the following symptoms, you can call us on our phone number: +381 11 785 88 88 and schedule examination with experienced endocrinology doctor.