Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia
Physical therapy reduces pain, improves the functioning of the locomotor system and makes it easier to carry out everyday activities.
The goal of this therapy is to establish a lot of strength and function of diseased and injured tissues and organs, as well as help patients to recover after surgery.
The team of Atlas General Hospital specialists provides patients with the most comfortable and fastest service to complete rehabilitation after surgery, trauma, reduction of the swelling, painful conditions, rheumatic and other diseases
Electrotherapy is a type of physical therapy whose thermal effect affects the relaxation of musculature and the improvement of circulation, improvement of muscle mass and general condition of the treated region. There are galvanic, diadynamic, Interfering current. Electrostimulation and TENS that are most commonly used in degenerative and rheumatic diseases, posttraumatic conditions, sprains, fractures, paralysis and sports injuries as well as cervical and lumbar syndrome. Electrocardiography promotes osteogenesis in bone fracture and regeneration of peripheral nerves, algodystrophy syndrome, etc. Electrotherapy – galvanic, diadynamic and interfering current are basically irritating currents because they have a negligible thermal effect. Reduce pain, swelling and inflammation.
Tens is a method of treating pain symptoms by irritating sensitive nerve endings in the skin. TENS is widely used in the control of acute, chronic and neurogenic pain.
Electrophoresis is a transcutaneous administration of the drug via an electrical current. Drugs enter through the ducts of the sweaty glands and slightly through the hair follicles, sebaceous glands and epidermis. Benefits in relation to other methods of administering drugs are: the drug is working prolonged because a depot is created in the skin, and the medicine gradually spreads into the body, there is a possibility of local action of the drug, the undesirable effects of the drug on the stomach and liver blood circulation are avoided, the administration of the medicine is painless and some drugs are pharmacologically active when administered by electrophoresis.
Sonotherapy is a high-frequency deep tissue micromassage of the tissue where the electrical energy is used which converts into mechanical, or sound and its absorption produce heat in the treated tissues. Ultrasound therapy has a mechanical effect in the form of micromassage and thermal action. The advantage of ultrasonic thermal effect consists in preferential heating of collagen tissue and in deeper penetration into tissues than other thermal modalities. It is most absorbed in the articular capsules, ligaments and tendons, that is, in structures with high collagen content and is used as a precursor of stretching exercises. Ultrasound therapy reduces pain and muscle spasm, causes re-abrasion of the swelling accelerates the resolution of the inflammatory process and promotes the healing of ulcers and wounds. It is used as a combination therapy with diadynamic currents, which achieves analgesic and vasodilatory effect or with interferent currents, which provides an analgesic, trophic and stimulating effect.
Magnetherapy is the application of a constant and variable magnetic field of low frequency for the purpose of treatment. The main characteristic of magnetic therapy is athermia, a negligible thermal component, which allows the use of magnetotherapy in the treatment of those diseases in which the heat is contraindicated. Musculoskeletal pathology is the most common application domain. Indications for the application of MT are: posttraumatic conditions, rheumatic diseases, osteoporosis, algodystrophic syndrome, peripheral vascular diseases, skin diseases, neuritis and radiculopathies, etc. Magnetotherapy uses a magnetic field to reduce swelling and inflammation, reduce pain and successfully heal wounds.
Laser is most often used in postoperative conditions, pain and swelling reduction, and accelerates regenerative processes. The laser is the source of a very focused beam of coherent monochromatic (infrared, visible or ultraviolet) light. That is, laser light is amplified by stimulated emission of radiation. On the therapeutic plan, it stimulates tissue regeneration and functions analgesic, antipyretic and antiedematous.
The bioptron lamp (bioptron polarized light) is a linearly polarized polychromatic light wavelength of 400-2000 nm, which contains the entire spectrum of visible air and infrared rays of group A and part of group B. It is obtained by breaking through a special multilayer mirror and leaking through the system photo –filters. Bioptron lamp accelerates the healing of wounds and various ulcerations, it acts anti-inflammatory and reduces the symptoms of pain.
What can be treated with bioptron lamp:
Atlas General Hospital
Osmana Đikića 3
+381 11 785 88 88
+381 60 3292 411
General Hospital
Experts in surgery
Osmana Đikića 3
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Working hours: 00 - 24h
Osmana Đikića 3
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Working hours: 00 – 24h
+381 11 785 88 88
+381 60 3292 411
[email protected]
Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade
1100 Belgrade, Serbia
Working hours