
Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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Coronary stent


Heart disease treatment methods are constantly improving from day to day. Coronary diseases are still the leading cause of death in the modern world. While scientists are constantly searching the way how to improve the existing treatments, coronary problems, today are mainly solved with stent implantation – with a medical device that opens and widens narrowed coronary arteries.

Pulse Cardiology Center is a modern hospital that offers all cardiology services, diagnostics and interventions in one place. You can get all the information by calling the call center on 0117555000

What is coronary stent?

Coronary stent is tiny mesh devices made of wire that cardio surgeons use in order to open coronary arteries and enable normal blood flow. 

With a help of stent it can be brought back strong blood flow in the heart in patients that before that had serious artery blockage. As artery blockage is a common diagnose, each year large number of people have stent implantation, which brings them better quality of life, as well as life extension. With the help of the stent it is possible to bring back normal blood flow through the heart.

For example, heart stent is often implanted in patients that suffer from angina pectoris. That is disease that is caused by the artery narrowing (atherosclerosis), and symptoms of the disease are manifested like pain in the chest.

Chest pain with angina pectoris occurs when there is a disturbance of blood flow to the heart.

Stent placement

Stent placement (stenting) is minimally invasive surgical procedure where stent is placed in coronary artery that is narrowed with the plaque.

Stent placement is performed in patients with angina pectoris, but it is also a method of emergency treatment for myocardial infarction. In many cases (unfortunately, not always) the entire procedure of stent placement does not take more than half an hour, nor does it require the introduction of patients into general anesthesia. Sometimes it can be an alternative to coronary bypass, which requires several hours of work. Of course, this is a very worthwhile replacement!

In the first case, patients undergoing stenting usually have a positive experience, and even say that the procedure was not a bit like some serious surgery. In particular, the stent is inserted through the artery on the arm or groin, through a catheter and with the help of a special balloon. As soon as the catheter reaches the correct location, a contrast agent is inserted, thus creating a way for the introduction of a stent balloon.

The patient is fully conscious during the intervention and does not feel pain.  The discomfort or mild pain can only be present when the balloon is inflated, which is short-lived and disappears immediately after the balloon is released (which can last from 10 to 30 seconds).

Life with a coronary stent

The simplicity of implantation of a coronary stent may create the illusion that some people need no further care afterwards, so that a certain number of patients can be absolutely convinced and reliant on its medical effect. However, it is of great importance that stent placement is done only for eliminating the symptoms of heart artery disease but not the cause of the disease. While the cause of coronary heart disease (atherosclerosis) – persists.

Further progression of atherosclerosis definitely creates the risk of recurrence of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure and other serious cardiovascular problems. Therefore, all persons with a cardiac stent implanted must be fully aware of all the possible health hazards. So, after the stent is installed, it is necessary to take care of your health and continue with the treatment

Physical activity

One of the most important preventative measures, after a stent is placed, is regular physical activity. In addition to having a positive effect on general health, it slows the development of atherosclerosis and has a beneficial effect on the stabilization of blood pressure. All of this is of great importance for heart patients. This is why cardiologists recommend in the first place: cycling, walking and swimming. On the other hand, sports that require extreme physical exertion and / or possible injury – are not recommended.


Another important step of therapy for patients with a stent device is a healthy and strictly controlled diet, which should be based on these principles:

– limit the consumption of animal fats

– limit egg consumption to 3-4 per week

– Avoid foods rich in refined sugar (sweets)

– limit the use of salt

– coffee and other products containing caffeine (coca cola, black tea, chocolate…) to be consumed in reasonable quantities

– to include in the diet: vegetable oils, fiber-rich foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish (2 times a week).

Medicines and regular controls

If the cardiologist recommended taking the medication, strict adherence to the prescribed therapy is mandatory. Regular check-ups are also an obligation for the patient, and in case  of  worsening condition, an emergency, visit to the doctor and check the medical condition in order to continue treatment.

Is the coronary stent safe for the patient?

Coronary stents are generally safe for patients, especially when cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, based on thorough analysis, select patients who really should receive them. For any additional information you can schedule a consultation at Pulse cardiology center  by calling: +381 11 7555000.

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1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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