
Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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Koronarografija Atlas Bolnica

There is one diagnostic procedure that is really special when it comes to efficacy of modern medicine. For many people coronarography is stressful diagnosis and is considered as something that should be avoided if it is not completely necessary.

If you need coronary angiography, call the Pulse Cardiology Center on 0117555000.

When heart is “jumping” irregularly, when situation is very serious, coronarography is the only useful option. Thanks to coronarography it has been saved hundred thousands of lives around the world.

Coronarography- gold standard in diagnostic

Coronarography is non invasive diagnostic procedure that includes examinations of coronary arteries with special catheter and application of contrast agent. Coronarography is performed in ischemic heart disease, in chronic coronary problems and acute myocardial infarction when it can be lifesaving. Coronarography plays important role in all coronary diseases because they have in common coronary arteries that cannot nourish heart any more.


Through smaller cut on inguinal region, hand or neck catheter is being inserted in the artery and is pulled through the veins toward heart. Most often procedure is performed through femoral (inguinal) or radial (hand) aretery. Procedure is performed in local anesthesia and is not painful for the patient. Catheter is inserted into arteries  with special guide opposite of blood flow, while heart functions without problem. Catheters are elastic plastic tubes that are gently curved on the top for easier flow through vein.

The procedure itself lasts 20 – 30 minutes unless it is not necessary additional intervention. It takes shorter time for the preparation of the patient before coronarography, and also patient after the bandaging of the puncture itself remains in standing position another 24 hours. Long stay in hospital can be avoided if coronarography is performed through radial vein.

Every man has two coronary arteries (left and right) and they pass from the heart under different angles which could be individual. It is particular bloodstream that wraps the heart in shape of crown that nourishes heart walls. That is the reason why different catheters are used  and arteries are scanned from different angles. Contrast agent based on iodine enables scanning of the artery wall. When narrowing of the wall is observed that is caused by the plaque build up on the wall, doctor will decide how procedure and treatment will be carried out in future.

It is possible to do continuation of the therapy with medications in milder cases. Often, nevertheless, procedure is finished usually with stent implantation or bypass.

Stent implantation

Stent is used in cases when coronarography reveals narrowing on the blood vessels due to build up of the plaque and threatens to jeopardize its passability. Stent is tube in form of the web that can be distended and is made of metal. Stent is implanted during coronarography with help of special balloon on catheter that is inflated on the place of the constriction of the blood vessel and then fixed stent is placed. With placing of stent blood vessel is strengthened, and constriction is broken  and  blood freely flows toward heart. Once placed stent remains in blood vessel for good on the same place and enables right blood flow.

After placing stent patient should use medications on base of acetylsalicylic acid for reducing possibility of creating blood clot.

Your health ally

Unfortunately, cardiovascular diseases in Serbia are the major cause of mortality. With timely health check up and checks of the veins flow this dark data can be significantly changed. When first problems emerge with reduced blood flow through arteries, patient should without any delay do most precise diagnostic – coronarography.

Pulse cardiology center enables you that without wasting precious time on long hospital waiting list do this important examination and keep your heart healthy. Hospital has modern, cutting edge technology with best specialists in cardiology that will enable that the examination is finished without unnecessary stress.  Pleasant ambience of the department, surgical theater and room for the patient enables you to relax and so in really good condition wait for the results.

Pulse Cardiology center is real fiend of your heart.

All procedures can be scheduled by phone 0117555000 

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Atlas Opšta bolnica
Osmana Đikića 3


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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