
Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours


Ass. dr sci. med. Saša S. Milivojević

Specialist in Pediatric Surgery – Urology


Through daily clinical work, Dr. Saša S. Milivojević performs surgical procedures in the fields of general and emergency pediatric surgery and traumatology, with a particular focus on pediatric urology and genital surgery.

He is actively involved in bowel management for the treatment of bowel incontinence, nocturnal enuresis, and urodynamic dysfunction of the lower urinary tract in children, especially in patients with spina bifida. Dr. Milivojević has significantly contributed to improving existing diagnostic and therapeutic methods in this field.

He personally revitalized the urodynamic method at the University Children’s Hospital, reintroducing it into daily outpatient and polyclinic practice.

Additionally, he is a member of the kidney transplant team at the University Children’s Hospital.


Undergraduate studies:

– Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, 2010.

Postgraduate studies:

– Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, 2013. Field of expertise: Surgical Anatomy

Title of specialist academic work:

– “Changes in the Anatomical Structures of the Colon Caused by Tumor Obstruction,” committee members: prof. dr Dragoljub Bilanović, prof. dr Nikola Milinić, prof. dr Tomislav Ranđelović (mentor).


– Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, 2019. Field of expertise: Reconstructive Surgery

Dissertation title:

– “The Significance of Bowel Management in the Treatment of Urinary Incontinence and the Recurrence of Urinary Infections, as well as Its Impact on the Quality of Life in Patients with Spina Bifida,” committee members: prof. dr Zoran Džamić, doc. dr Aleksandar Sretenović, prof. dr Predrag Aleksić, prof. dr Zoran Radojičić (mentor).


– Pediatric Surgery Specialist Exam: Belgrade, University Children’s Hospital, 2020 (passed with honors).


– In the academic year 2022/2023, started subspecialization in Pediatric Urology at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade.

Approved topic:

–  “The Impact of Bowel Management on Improving Urodynamic Parameters in Children with Spina Bifida” under the mentorship of prof. dr Zoran Radojičić.

Professional Experience

2010–2012: General Surgery Clinic, Clinical Center Zvezdara Belgrade;

2012–2013: General Surgery Clinic, Clinical Center Zemun Belgrade;

2013–2014: Oncological Surgery Clinic, Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia;

2014–2020: University Children’s Clinic “Tiršova” Belgrade, clinical doctor, and specialist in pediatric surgery;

From 2020: University Children’s Clinic “Tiršova” Belgrade, pediatric urology specialist;

From 2021: Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade, clinical assistant for the narrower scientific field of Surgery with Anesthesiology (pediatric surgery);

2024–present: Atlas General Hospital.

Memberships in Professional/Scientific Associations

–  Serbian Medical Society (SLD);

–  European Paediatric Surgical Association (EUPSA);

– European Society of Pediatric Urology (ESPU);

– American Urological Association (AUA);

– The Pediatric Urologic Oncology Working Group;

– Society of Pediatric Urology USA (PUOWG);

– Invited reviewer for international journals Urology & Scientific Reports and Vojnosanitetski Pregled.

Special Areas of Interest

– General and emergency pediatric surgery;

– Traumatology;

– Pediatric urology;

– Disorders of urination and nocturnal enuresis;

– Bowel management;

– Urodynamic studies;

– Kidney transplantation.


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
