
Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours


Instead of being sent to a European clinic, girl receives high risk, life saving surgery at Atlas General Hospital

Demanding and complicated operations that are too expensive for the health funds for our entire region, and parents are forced to raise funds in different ways for an operation abroad now are part of our everyday lives.

The same case happened with the girl from Montenegro who suffers from Marfan syndrome and scoliosis of the spine of over 180 degrees and kyphosis of more than 100 degrees. The solution is found in Serbian Belgrade private hospital.

She had the first operation abroad


After the first surgery of the spine, which took place two years ago in Switzerland, it was necessary to do another operation. Due to prohibitive costs for the Montenegrin Health Fund it was impossible to carry out operations abroad again.

Seeking a solution to this particular case, the solution is found in cooperation with the General Hospital Atlas from Belgrade, which for several years successfully performs the most complex spine operations. The benefit to the health fund is huge, because the savings only for one operation is immense, budget money can be much better distributed and plan treatment for a larger number of affected children.

Also, operation costs were much less than in any foreign West European country. There is also a benefit for these patients who are operated in an environment where they can understand the language.

Often it  is difficult to explain to patient such a delicate surgery in a foreign language, a second positive aspect is that both relatives  and patients can get all the necessary information clearly.

The girl from Montenegro was prepared for six months and with united experience of both surgeons doctor Jeszenszky, chief of orthopedic Schulthess Klinik, and the  team of orthopedists and neurosurgeons of Atlas General Hospital led by Dr. Milenko Savic, was successfully completed.

Doctor Jeszenszky Atlas operates in the general hospital

Dr  Jeszenszky from  clinics in Switzerland shows (Dr. med. D.J. Jeszenszky, Schulthess Klinik)says:

“This is a good clinic, a small but good,  equipped perfectly  and we had no technical problems during surgery.”

It is a delicate case, a patient with a delicate spinal deformity that was created on the basis of accompanying diseases. Deformity of the spine is one of her problems. The deformity was very pronounced, the child could not normally walk, work,  function and generally can not develop.

The patient  had a very strong spine deformities due to which it was first operated in Switzerland.  She had many complications postoperatively.

Now that the situation has stabilized, there was a need for additional correction of spinal deformities in order to create balance, or let us say,  to correct the imbalance of torso and pelvis so the girl could develop better and can have a better quality of life.

Accompanying diseases of the girl are associated with complications, were additional load for the surgery, and as you can see, we had a five hours surgery . ”

This is a complex procedure that was  performed only a few times in our country and for the first time in the Serbian private hospital – Atlas Clinic.




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Atlas Opšta bolnica
Osmana Đikića 3


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
