
Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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Myocardial infarction-prevention is the best medicine!

Infarkt Miokarda

Myocardial infarction is one of the most common cause of death and requires very serious approach. It happens suddenly and it is necessary to notice symptoms on time and take patient to hospital as soon as possible.

For large number of patients that suffer from heart and cardiovascular diseases systematic examinations and interventions are crucial for survival. Cardiac surgeons of Atlas General Hospital speak about the cardiac infarction, how it can be recognized and what are the interventions and medical procedures that are life saving.

What is myocardial infarction and how it can be recognized?

It is sudden interruption of blood flow in the heart because of the blockage of the blood vessels with fat deposits or with blood clot. Due to interruption of blood flow with oxygen and nutrients heart muscle partially dies which disturbs body blood supply. This blockage can lead to multiple complications as well as death.

The most often symptoms of myocardial infraction are: strong pressure in the chest, strong heart beat (palpitation) dizziness, strong chest pain that lasts a few minutes, expansion of the pain toward left shoulder, neck and jaw, difficult breathing, loss of breath and cold sweat. Sometimes diseases do not show clear symptoms and patient doesn’t have pains as it is case with diabetics and certain neurologic patients. These patients are usually frightened and very upset.

Pacemaker, stent and coronarography

Prevention of cardiovascular disease is very important for the majority of the population above 40 year of age. Prevention and treatment today are performed with antithrombotic drugs when it is possible, and more often with stent implantation with catheter usage.

With stent implantation blood vessel that was narrowed due to fat deposit is dislodged and thus it preventes recidive.

Procedure that is used for examination and stent implantation is called coronarography and presents gold standard in diagnostic of coronary diseases. After stent implantation patients can return to their normal activities with regular acetylsalicylic acid therapy.

Large number of patients that had a heart infarction have special risks from sudden cardiac arrest or rapid heart beat that can be fatal in some cases. In such cases usually it is performed stent implantation-defibrillator, that in critical situations sends electroconvulsive therapy and prevents cardiac arrest. This type of pacemaker is implanted preventively in patients whose heart muscle works with less then 35% of capacity. It is an apparatus that has the size of a wrist watch that produces impulses and with electrode it brings them to the heart. Pacemakers that are produced today do not limit the patient in any way because magnetic waves that come from different part of devices do not disturb its work.

There are three types of pacemakers that are used in treatment and prevention of myocardial infarction. These are devices that are used in slowed heart rate and they are used most often in these part of the world. After that defibrillators that prevent sudden speed up of the heart rate that could end with fatal consequences. The most rare are the devices for treatment of heart disease that are used in patients that can not stand the heart transplantation.

Heart attack risks

The greatest risks for heart diseases, first of all, heart infarction, have patients with expressed  genetic predisposition. Among most serious risks there is stress, smoking and high blood cholesterol. Rest, healthy diet, avoiding stress and moderate exercising are needed so the heart muscle can stay in good condition.

Experience and professionalism of the Atlas General Hospital

Expert’s team of the Atlas General Hospital has the best cardiologists, cardio surgeons and internists with long experience in treatment and prevention of cardiac diseases. Hospital has cutting edge equipment for fast and efficient care of high risk patients.

Our Cath Lab gives possibility of the most modern treatments in our region because it has integrated equipment for the control and surgical treatment for the patients. It enables very quick  and precise diagnostic for coronary diseases, as well as implementation for complex procedures and therapies. Our cardio team is active 24 hours seven days a week, and patients do not have to wait.

If you have questions for our experts give us a call : +381 11 785 88 88.

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Osmana Đikića 3


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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