
Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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Revolutionary world method of surgical treatment of hemorrhoids


AVAILABLE IN GENERAL HOSPITAL “ATLAS” – “TRILOGY” wireless HAL-RAR system with integrated Doppler ultrasound device for detection of hemorrhoidal blood vessels



Hemorrhoidal disease today is one of the most common diseases of modern man, especially in occupations that require prolonged sitting as well as the inability to eat regularly and with quality. It is manifested by pain in the area of ​​the anal canal, itching of the perianal region, the appearance of painful swelling in the area of ​​the anal canal, difficult and painful defecation or the appearance of blood in the stool. All of these problems prevent normal daily functioning, and inadequate treatment can lead to complications that sometimes require long-term multidisciplinary treatment.

Years ago, the experiences of surgeons and patients were gathered, which led to the development of a revolutionary “TRILOGY” wireless system that allows precision and absolute comfort to the surgeon in solving the most complicated forms of hemorrhoidal disease. These technical capabilities of the “Trilogy” device allow the patient to have minimal postoperative pain, no cutting and leaving open wounds, rapid recovery and return to daily activities.

The abbreviation HAL is taken from the Anglo-Saxon nomenclature and represents the procedure of ligating the hemorrhoidal artery, which is a prerequisite for successful resolution of hemorrhoidal disease. Accurate visualization of blood vessels is of the utmost importance for the success of the procedure, and for this purpose “Trilogy” uses a Doppler ultrasound signal and thus minimizes the possibility of intraoperative complications. The signal is detected by an integrated Bluetooth connection. This procedure solves three basic symptoms of the disease: pain, itching and bleeding.

RAR (Recto Anal Repair) enables almost painless repair of the anal mucosa that prolapses into the external environment, and can be seen most often in the advanced stages of the disease.

We are proud to note that Atlas General Hospital was the first to introduce this revolutionary method in Serbia with the education of our experts in the field of coloproctology. In this way, our vision of introducing new procedures and bringing world surgery to the very heart of Belgrade continues.

“Trilogy” represents a revolution in the surgical treatment of hemorrhoids because it has gathered in one device all the positive experiences of patients as well as the experiences and remarks of experienced colorectal surgeons. This synergy has created an effective, comfortable and safe way to solve hemorrhoidal disease, and the postoperative experience of patients speaks in favor of minimal early postoperative pain, rapid recovery and return to daily activities, as well as permanent disappearance of symptoms of itching, pain and bleeding.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity and make an appointment with a surgeon from our expert team in order to solve the issues caused by hemorrhoidal disease in an efficient and comfortable way forever.

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Atlas Opšta bolnica
Osmana Đikića 3


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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