

Osmana Đikića 3
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Age and cancer risk

Each year 35.000 people in Serbia got malignant cancer

Number of people who get cancer each year in Serbia is growing, but also worldwide number of malignant diseases is increasing. In developed countries, however, mortality falls, which is not the case here. Serbia is on the Europe’s top with number of cancer deaths, and late early cancer detection is the reason of increased death in all types of malignancy.

According to data of the Statistical office of the Republic of Serbia, from the whole number of deaths in one year, one fifth died from tumors (from 100 834 persons, even 22 024 died of cancer). Epidemiologists warn that each year around 35 000 people died from cancer in Serbia. They also predict that in two or three decades, the number of tumors will be equal to the number of cardiovascular patients worldwide, and then it will exceed this number.


Lung cancer- the biggest cancer killer

Statistic of our National cancer institute have data that Serbian citizens still mostly die from lung cancer, and the newest epidemiological studies testify that smoke is the first culprit for more then 15 malignant diseases beginning with lung, throat, mouth, bladder, kidney, stomach, esophagus, colon, and even cervix cancer.

While mortality in the developed world is decreasing, in Serbia it grows 2.5 percent annually. It is very important to raise awareness among the population about the importance of screening programs and preventive examinations (for breast, colon, and cervical cancer).


            Early stage disease detection leads to a higher percentage of healing

About the problem with malignant diseases we have spoken with dr Vladimir Vukov – oncologist that in Atlas General Hospital performs examinations, prescribes therapy and participates in patients’s general therapy with patients with malignant diseases. About surgical treatment of malignant diseases we have spoken with professor Slavko Matić-specialist in general surgery that together with team of specialist of Atlas hospital performs the most advanced digestive surgery.

dr Vladimir Vukov – oncologist

„Treating malignancy in elderly people is great challenge. In oncology in younger patients we usually have one disease-tumor, while in elderly we usually have multiple comorbidities, and sometimes also social problems which requires activation of all previous knowledge, experiences, skills…

Especially with age we have decline of organ functioning and just organ reserve holds in its functioning is functional age that enables or not further application of different oncological therapeutic procedures”, says dr Vladimir Vukov.

In Atlas hospital you can have following oncological services: diagnosis of malignant diseases, clinical examination,  pathohistological and cytologic diagnosis, laboratory diagnostic, treatment of malignant diseases, cytostatic, biological and  immunotherapy, symptomatic and supportive therapy, as well as all other species of surgical interventions.


Profesor Slavko Matić  says: 

“When there is a problem, our patients do not like to come for a check up and to have necessary specialist diagnosis”. 

Profesor Slavko Matić

„ Tokom svoje dosadašnje prakse od 27 godina na hirurgiji mogu da zaključim da naš narod voli da zapostavlja svoje tegobe ili da smatra da će proći same od sebe ili da ih pripisuje neodgovarajućoj hrani ili nekom drugom uzroku.

Dakle, neophodno je na vreme javiti se lekaru jer se većina oboljenja leči mnogo jednostavnije ukoliko se otkriju u ranom, da kažem kontrolisanom stadijumu, a to se posebno odnosi na maligne bolesti.

Maligna oboljenja, pogotovo kada govorimo o oboljenjima digestivnog trakta, predstavljaju izuzetan zdravstveni problem. Za većinu malignih oboljenja digestivnog trakta hirurgija je terapija prve linije. Naravno, samo u slučaju da se pacijent javi na vreme lekaru i da se oboljenje dijagnostifikuje na odgovarajući način.

Maligne bolesti se leče ukoliko se dijagnostikuju pravovremeno

Prva distinkcija– primarna, tj.da li će pacijent moći da bude izlečen, da li će mu se omogućiti dugotrajan i dobar kvalitet života nakon operativne procedure,  determinisana je prvenstveno stadijumom u kojem je otkriveno maligno oboljenje odnosno momentom kada je uhvaćena maligna bolest kod određenog pacijenta- da li je bolest otkrivena na vreme“, istakao je profesor Slavko Matić.

U Atlas opštoj bolnici obavljaju se sve vrste operacija iz različitih  oblasti hirurgije:

Kolorektalnalaparoskopska tankog crevadebelog crevaslepog crevajetrežučne kesekilevena,   dojkepankreasaštitaste žlezdeželuca i jednjaka,


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Atlas Opšta bolnica
Osmana Đikića 3


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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