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Nose reshaping surgery, also known as rhinoplasty is a procedure used to correct different problems, the most frequent among which is nose reduction, nostrils narrowing, correction of the tip of the nose and so on. Apart from that, it also corrects structural defects and in some cases alleviates breathing and restores self-confidence.
It is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure worldwide.
The operation lasts from two to three hours and is carried out under general anesthesia. A patient stays in hospital for one day.
In most cases two or three incisions are made in the inner part of the nose or below the nose, so as to avoid any visible traces of the intervention.
The aim of this operation is to reshape the nose, change or remove a part of cartilage. The recovery period depends on the type of intervention.
After the surgery patients can get back to their daily activities within one or two weeks.
Strenuous activities are to be avoided for about three weeks following the operation. After the healing process is over, the face may still be swollen, which is common during recovery period.
Sleeping with a slightly raised head speeds and eases the recovery.
Activities including body contact, such as any kind of sport should be avoided until a full recovery is reached, which may sometimes lasts for several months.
A patient will be able to see his or her new nose,which will at the beginning be bandaged, after seven days.
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