Arthroscopy is the latest, minimally invasive diagnostic method which is used for performing minor interventions.
Center for arthroscopy and sports surgery
This method is based on inserting a small camera into the joint in order to get an inside view.
At the same time, the joint structure can be corrected if necessary.
This procedure is carried out under block or total anesthesia and it is very comfortable for patients, while a surgeon gets necessary information and a real picture of patients’ condition.
Arthroscopy is also widely used in sports traumatology.
How is the procedure carried out?
Team of orthopedic surgeons in our hospital perform the most modern arthroscopic operations of joint injuries as well as various degenerative joint diseases and other structures.
All these operations are carried out under general or local anesthesia.
The following arthroscopies can successfully be carried out in the Atlas hospital:
-wrist and ankle joint
-spine column (discus hernia)
In arthroscopy we use small surgical instruments which are inserted into the joint through one or more additional incisions.
The advantage of arthroscopic surgery compared to classical approach is that it is less invasive and causes less damage to connective tissue, provides better view of the inner joint and the recovery period is shorter which is specially important for sportsmen.
On arthroscopic examination an orthopedic surgeon inserts a small camera (arthroscope) into the knee joint. The camera displays pictures on a video monitor and a surgeon uses these images to guide miniature surgical instruments.
Arthroscopy enables surgeon to assess clearly the condition of joint cartilage, ligaments, capsule and other joint structures and to decide about further treatment.
Center for arthroscopy and sports surgery
X-ray picture of a bone or joint reveals the condition of bones, joints and spinal column. It is also possible to notice cracks, fractures, dislocations, tumors, exostosis and inflammations.
Joint ultrasound is essentially used for diagnosing the following indications: muscular, tendinous and ligamentous damage, bursitis, joint effusion etc. Apart from this, muscles ultrasound is used as a diagnostic procedure during which it is possible to visualize every muscle, its structure, the presence of partial or total rupture and hematoma.
Joint puncture is used for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
It is a clinical procedure of using syringe to collect synovial fluid from a joint capsule. It is used in diagnosis of gout, arthritis and synovial infections such as septical arthritis.Thus obtained synovia is then sent for cytologic, microbiologic or biochemical analyses.
Intra-articular injection is a therapeutic method during which the medicament is injected into the joint cavity- most often corticosteroids in order to treat the inflammation or some other hyaluronic acid derivatives in order to regenerate joint cartilage.
Local infiltration of medicaments is applying medicaments such as local anaesthetics and corticosteroids on the site of inflammation.
Plaster immobilisation is used for bone fractures and cracks as well as joint luxations and disclocations and both ordinary and plastic plaster can be used.
Bone or joint reposition is performed in case of dislocation under local or general anaesthesia.
Surgical treatment of Carpal tunnel syndrome involves severing the band of tissue around the wrist to reduce pressure on the median nerve. Surgery is done either under local or general anaesthesia. In this way symptoms such as tingling and pain in the hand or muscle weakness are relieved.
The Achilles tendon operation is recommended to patients who have experienced repeated ruptures of Achilles tendon, to those who have regular and vigorous exercises or to those with delayed diagnosis of rupture. The operation is performed under general anaesthesia and lasts about one hour, and a patient is discharged from hospital the next day with plaster immobilisation.