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Eyelid surgery

Eyelid correction or blepharoplasty is a cosmetic surgery intervention which is used to improve the appearance of the eyelids.
This procedure may require the removal of excess skin, fat and atrophyc muscles in both upper and lower lids.

Eyelid surgery
Eyelid surgery

Eyelid correction

Due to ageing and genetic predisposition eyelids start to sag and eye bags are formed under the eyes. Blepharoplasty removes the unwanted ageing effects and therefore it is one of the most common interventions for rejuvenation in cosmetic surgery. Successful results of surgical correction of eyelids for many patients remain constant.

How is this intervention performed

First the site of the incision is carefully defined so as to make sure that no scars will be visible.

When performing upper eyelid operation,the incision is usually made in the fold of the eyelid, while in lower eyelids the incision is made precisely under the eyelashes or within the lower eyelid.

During the intervention,the excessive skin as well as the excessive fat is removed through the incisions.

After the operation ,the bruises remain visible from two to four weeks,but cold compresses can significantly reduce swelling and discomfort.

Patients can read or watch TV three days after the operation and ten days later most patients get back to normal life.

Bruises and swelling are expected to remain for some time after the operation but that can be covered with adequate make-up.

However, it is important to take special care when applying or removing make-up because the affected area is still sensitive.

Search for additional information:Cosmetic surgery – Eyelid surgery 

Experts: Cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
