
Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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Lips correction

Lips correction means lips volume augmentation and in some cases change of shape.
This procedure has become very popular as full sensual lips with clearly defined contours is the wish of many women.


Lips correction
Lips correction


How is this procedure carried out


Just a single procedure of lips augmentation makes the face features more beautiful. Special care is taken for lips enlargement to be subtle and in harmony with face shape and features of a patient.

There are several methods used for lips improvement:

-the use of synthetic filler (based on hyaluronic acid)

-aquafilling jelly

-a patient’s own fatty tissue

Synthetic fillers last much longer (a couple of years ) than fillers with hyaluronic acid (only a couple of months).

A patient’s own fatty tissue may last up to about five years. The younger the patient,the longer the wanted effect will last.

All fillers are provided by eminent producers including Juvederm R,

Restilane R,Perlane R,TEOSIAL R,Kiss.




Search for additional information : Cosmetic surgery- Lips correction

Experts: Cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery



Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
