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Gallbladder surgery

Special promo price for gallbladder surgery – 124,000 dinars

Gallbladder surgery is a standard procedure which is carried out in the Atlas general hospital.

It lies beneath the right side of the liver and is about 10cm big.

Gallbladder surgery is the most often surgical procedure performed in the world today.

Gallbladder surgery is most frequently carried out because of presence of gallstones which are more rare in bile duct.

Hirurgija žučne kese
Gall bladder surgery


Risk factors for gallstones formation include: gender, pregnancy, obesity, age, hereditary factors, some diseases and eating habits.

In many cases,the presence of gallstones in gallbladder are without any symptoms (they are detected by chance during ultrasound examination).

In some patients with untreated inflammation, gallstones may pass into the main bile duct and cause its blockage which leads to retention of bile and jaundice.

The most rare but the most serious complication of the gall bladder calculosis is acute pancreatitis which can in most cases become haemorrhagic-necrotic and even fatal.Tumor formation in the internal part-gallbladder mucosa can sometimes be detected during ultrasonographic examination.

These are most often polyps,papilloma or adenomas,more rarely fibroma or leiomyomas.

How is the procedure carried out?

The first gallbladder surgery was performed in Berlin in 1882 and since then the operative technique has been constantly improved. The idea has remained the same, and that is that gall bladder should not be removed because it contains gallstones but because it creates them.

At the Atlas general hospital laparascopic cholecystectomy is performed. Gallbladder operation ,unlike a classical operative approach which includes a 15-20 cm incision, is performed through three or four incisions of 0,5-1cm diametre without cutting the structure of front abdominal wall.

The surger inflates your abdomen with air or carbondioxide in order to see clearly.

The surgeon inserts a lighted scope attached to a video camera (laparascope) into one incision near the naval. A surgeon then uses a video monitor as a guide while inserting surgical instruments into the other incisions to remove your gallbladder.

Before  a surgeon removes the gallbladder ,you may have a special X-ray procedure, called intraoperative cholangiography, which shows the anatomy of the bile duct.

You will need general anaesthesia for this surgery, which usually lasts 2 hours or less.

In a small number of patients (2-4%) the laparascopic method can not be performed for gallbladder removal. Factors that may increase the possibility of choosing or converting to the “open procedure” may include a very inflamed and scarred gallbladder, obesity,a history of prior abdominal surgery causing dense scar tissue, inability to visualise organs or bleeding problems during the operation.

The decision to perform the “open procedure” is a judgement decision ,made by your surgeon, either before or during the actual operation.

Recovery after the gallblader surgery

A couple of hours after the operation, patients can start walking and begin with the intake of liquid and light food; they are discharged on the same or the next day after the operation. Early beginning of activities and walking are most frequently recommended, but it all depends on how patients feel. Check-up is recommended within 7 days.

After laparascopic operation, patients can get back to work  within 7 days, whereas in classical operations that period lasts from 4-6 weeks.


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Experts: Surgery


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
