
Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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Obesity treatment

Any diet, exercise or lifestyle change may not help some people significantly reduce their excess weight. It is a reality that leads to frustration, depression and in many cases, serious health problems. Fortunately, for many who are in this situation, losing weight with the help of bariatric surgery can be an option. To choose patient for bariatric surgery is a process that requires serious discussion with your doctor and your family.


Overweight is a chronic and progressive disease that can affect multiple organs in the body. People with a severe clinical picture of obesity have a medical risk of disability or premature death. Obesity among the US adult population is also contributing to the estimated death toll of close to 280,000 per year. At the top of the list are adult morbidity in the form of diabetes and high blood pressure. High blood pressure caused by clinically overweight can lead to heart attacks, congestive heart failure and stroke.

Additional conditions that usually cause or increase obesity are:

Surgical Treatment of Obesity

Obesity is very difficult to treat. Surgery as a solution to weight loss through restriction of food intake and interruption of the digestive process is an option for severely obese patients who have been unsuccessfully treated with other ways to lose weight.

When other medical methods have not been successful, bariatric surgery can offer long-term solutions for overweight patients who have a serious problem with obesity.


A body mass index (BMI) above 40 indicates that the person is morbidly obese and therefore a candidate for bariatric surgery. Generally speaking, this would mean that men have 45 kg of excess, while women 36 kg. Barrier procedures can also be an option for people with a body mass index between 35 and 40 who suffer from cardiopulmonary problems or life-threatening diabetes. However, as with other treatments for obesity, a successful outcome will depend on the patient’s motivation and behavior.

Benefits of  Bariatirc surgery 

The medical and emotional benefits associated with weight loss begin almost immediately after surgery. The benefits that a patient has after surgery can be:

A) Significant and permanent weight loss:

B) Improvement or elimination of most obesity-related conditions:


Non-surgical Weight Loss Methods – Balloon system

The problem of obesity, especially pathological obesity, can be solved, among other things, by the non-surgical method – by placing a special balloon with an endoscopic method in the stomach.

What Is An Intragastric Weight Loss Balloon And How Does It Work To Treat Obesity?

BIB system – bioenteric intragastric weight loss balloon is a non-operative, non-pharmacological, minimally invasive and temporary method used as an alternative for the treatment of obesity in patients with moderate and overweight obesity, with prescribed diet and physical activity program, as well as constant medical supervision. It also has positive effects in very obese patients who need to undergo a surgical method for the treatment of obesity, because losing weight reduces the risk of surgery.

The esophagus and stomach should first be examined to exclude the possibility of contraindications, and then its implementation should be initiated. The balloon is made of modern silicone material and is soft and does not damage the gastric mucosa and is inserted into the mouth through an endoscopic camera.

For more information on the procedure and prices, click on the link HERE.


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Experts: Bariatric Surgery


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
