

Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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Varicose vein surgery

Varicose vein surgery solves the problem of varicose veins in the legs which may present a significant health and aesthetic problems lasting for ages.

Varicose vein surgery
Varicose vein surgery

Varicose veins in lower extremities are the consequence of subcutaneous veins dilatation.

In healthy people, venous valves of superficial and deep veins enable the flow of venous blood to the heart.

In case of varicose veins, the valves are no longer able to perform their function so the blood from the deep veins returns to the superficial ones increasing their pressure which spreads down to the feet.

Vericose veins are unaesthetic,they can cause pain,night cramps,heaviness in the legs and they can cause even serious complications like open wounds on the legs,thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Surgical intervention is performed when preventive measures like medicaments and other kinds of therapies do not give any results and when  there is a possibility of complications.

The best ways of preventing thrombosis and its consequences  are: weight reduction,avoiding long standing,sitting and walking, less liquid intake ; the early surgical treatment is recommended too.

When thrombosis occurs,surgical treatment is possible only in the first couple of hours,while chronic therapy can last for months and even years.

In the Atlas general hospital, varicose vein treatment means thrombosis prevention. In case of verified DVT  or thrombophlebitis, the accent is on prevention a new tromb  being formed on the already existing one.

How is the procedure carried out?

The surgery is performed under epidural or spinal anesthesia, except when a patient requires a general anesthesia.
Classical vein surgery or vein stripping is performed in varicose veins of the legs. These veins are swollen, painful and full of blood.

Vein stripping is performed in the following cases:venous insufficiency,i.e. when varicose vein affects the blood stream; if there is pain in the legs due to ulcer  and wound caused by excessive pressure in a vein; blood clot and vein inflammations are also indications for vein stripping; aesthetic improvement of the legs is also one of the indications for vein stripping as well as lipodermatosclerosis,fatty subcutaneous tissue which becomes firm and gradually exerts pressure in veins.

This method is used to remove the big vein which runs along the leg,called vena saphena magna.

Vein stripping lasts about 1-2 hours.In most cases the operation is performed under general anaesthesia,but in patients who have some additional health problems,general anaesthesia is not advised,so the operation is performed under regional anaesthesia.

The surgeon ,makes small incisions on the leg over the highest and the lowest point of the damaged vein.The highest point is usually at the groin level,while the lowest is at the ankle level.

A surgeon will then use a thin flexible wire which is inserted into the vein up to  the groins.A surgeon directs the wire through the vein until the next opening in the lower part of the leg.

After that,the wire is removed through the lower incision together with the vein.

After the stitching,special bandages covered with compressive stocking are applied.

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Experts: Surgery


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
