

Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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Thyroid gland surgery

Thyroid gland surgery

Hirurgija štitaste žlezde
Thyroid gland surgery

They also have an important role in male and female reproductive system.

The increased number of persons suffering from thyroid gland disorders has called for setting up the center for the thyroid gland.

At the Atlas general hospital patients can have all the necessary examinations and analysis for establishing diagnosis done in one day.

How is the procedure carried out?

Diagnostics and treatment of thyroid gland disease include: examinations by endocrinologists, diagnostics and modern therapy for all kinds of function disorders and morfology of the thyroid gland, ultrasonography of the thyroid gland and nodus biopsy with patohistological examination.


Center for endocrinology also includes:


-Diagnostics and treatment of diabetes and basic instructions about the disease itself, recommendations for treatment,written instructions for adequate diet and advice about physical activity.

It is also possible to carry out general examination during which the team of subspecialists assess the present condition of a patient, potential complications and other health risks.

– Reproductive endocrinology involves evaluation and therapy of menstrual cycles disorders,infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome and menopause.

– Obesity treatment using individual approach with excluding secondary obesity causes.At the centre for treating obesity, overweight patients can undergo detailed examination with multidisciplinary approach.

-Diagnostics and therapy of adrenal, parathyroid  and  pituitary gland.



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Experts: Surgery


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
