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Mesotherapy is a modern method aimed at regenerating the skin and eliminating fine wrinkles. This technique was discovered in 1952 and since then has been used for different aims including reduction of body weight as well as elimination of fatty layers and cellulite.




Mesotherapy successfully improves skin structure which has become dehydrated over the years.

This method rejuvenates, tightens, hydrates the skin and increases its elasticity and firmness. It also regulates the function of sebaceous glands, reduces open pores and eliminates fine wrinkles on the skin, stimulates hair growth, decreases  seborrhea and revitalizes damaged and thin hair.

How is this procedure carried out

Mesotherapy is applied on the face, body and hair.

This procedure consists of injecting vitamin cocktails in the mesoderm by using fine, thin needles.

These cocktails contain hyluronic acid, amino acids, multivitamins (A, E, C and D), vitamin B complex and minerals and certain cocktails also contain DMAE ( dimetilaminoetanol) which increases muscle firmness.

Several techniques are used for applying cocktails and they vary according to depth at which the application is performed.

The right choice of  technique is very important for achieving the best results.

Superficial or deep injections are given on the disinfected skin within the range of 0,5 to 0,7 cm. The procedure lasts from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the surface of the region.

This treatment is painless, it is only accompanied by mild prickling which can be relieved by using local anesthetic cream.

This treatment may be repeated after 4 or 6 months according to patients’ needs.

It is necessary to perform 5 to 10 treatments every five or ten days and results are visible already after a few treatments.

Search for additional information: Cosmetic surgery – Mesotherapy

Experts: Cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
