
Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

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ENT examinations

Otorhinolaryngology deals with diagnosing and treating ear, throat and nose diseases in children and adults.

ORL pregledi
ENT examinations

The basic otorhinolaryngological examination includes the ears, nose,throat and neck examination. 

The eminent team of otorhinolaryngologists in the Atlas general hospital, help patients solve their hearing problems and sinuses diseases by using the most advanced equipment.

How is the ENT examination carried out?

In the Atlas general hospital the following ORL examinations can be carried out:

The otorhinolaryngologist’s examination in the Atlas general hospital includes:

If a doctor finds it necessary, he will ask for swab culture and biochemical blood analysis.

Besides standard ENT  problems like bacterial and fungal externa ear infections,middle ear  and Eustachian tube diseases in children and adults, mouth and gullet diseases, otorhinolaryngology also deals with the vocal cords problems, hearing  problems in children and adults.It also examines and treats vertigo.

The Atlas general hospital is equipped with various diagnostic devices and tests which enable the following diagnostics:

Apart from the ENT examinations,in the Atlas general hospital,the following surgeries can be performed:



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Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
