
Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours


Breast reduction

Breast reduction surgery includes:

-removal and lifting of excess skin

-reduction of glandural and fatty breast tissue -areola and nipples transposition. Different surgical techniques are used depending on breast size and shape and patient’s wish.

Smanjenje grudi
Breast reduction

How is this procedure performed

This intervention is carried out under general anaesthesia and may last between two and five hours.

After the intervention breasts are bandaged special elastic bandage or covered with surgical bra over gause.

Tiny drains remain in the body,most often for one or two days.

Patients may experience pain in the first couple of days especially if they are not lying still or if they have a cough.


Search for additional information: Cosmetic surgery – Breast reduction

Experts: Cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
