

Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours


Breast augmentation

Breast enlargement or breast augmentation surgery is used to correct breast size and shape and to improve body contours. It also improves the overall looks and boosts self-confidence.

This operation lasts for about two hours but the duration can vary depending on the technique used.

Uvećanje grudi


The procedure is carried out either under local or general anaesthesia and an experienced surgeon will take good care to avoid any visible scarring.

At Atlas general hospital the following techniques are used for breast



-fat transfer

-aqua fillers

How is this procedure carried out

Breast augmentation operation usually takes about two hours depending on the technique used. It is performed either under local or general anaesthesia.

After surgery patients frequently experience extreme soreness in their breasts during the next two or three weeks. After that, the pain will completely disappear and natural feeling in breasts will be restored.

Recovery period depends on the general physical condition of a patient but most patients get back to their normal life and daily activities within a couple of days following the operation.

Search for additional information: Cosmetic surgery – Breast augmentation

Experts: Cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery


Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
