
Osmana Đikića 3
1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours


Patient admission Information

Dear patients welcome to Atlas General Hospital. We kindly ask you to read carefully the “Patient admission Information” and by observing the given instructions, make your stay in the hospital even more pleasant. The “Patient admission Information” contains all the necessary information regarding your complete treatment in the Atlas General Hospital. You can always contact us by phone or by e-mail for any additional questions and possible information.

Patient admission information - Atlas General Hospital





Patient admission information – Atlas hospital

Pre-admission questionnaire




About Atlas General Hospital




Atlas General Hospital is the first Serbian private hospital dedicated to providing surgical services for patients.

Surgeries are performed by top experts in their respective fields, and we are dedicated in enabling safe and high-quality medical services.

Our hospital is organized in following surgical centers:

Beside our surgical centers, Atlas General Hospital provides complete polyclinic service (infirmaries for plastic and aesthetic surgery, orthopedics, neurosurgery and spinal surgery, oncology, internal medicine and general surgery), as well as Department for endoscopic diagnostic and therapy and Department for postoperative physical medicine and rehabilitation.


Atlas General Hospital is comprised of two modern and luxurious building, projected and equipped following the world standards in healthcare services.


If you have questions

We wish your stay in Atlas General Hospital to be pleasant, comfortable and safe. If you have any questions whatsoever, feel free to call us anytime you wish on the following phone number: +381 11 785 88 88

For more information’s on services that we provide, please visit our internet presentation: www.atlasklinika.rs 

Our staff




During your stay in our hospital you will be taken care off by our experienced team 24/7. You can call them at any point of time simply by pressing a button next to your bed. Our staff will make sure that your postoperative rehabilitation period goes smoothly.


You can speak with our doctors with full confidence and discuss all the relevant issues with them. Based on your health history, clinical examinations and diagnostic results the doctor will recommend the best treatment options for you. While your stay in our hospital you will have a doctor available 24/7.

Informator - zaposleni Atlas bolnica


You will be watched over by our medical nurses/technicians throughout your stay in our hospital. You can tell them everything about your daily habits, diets, personal hygiene, special needs and demands etc. Our medical staff will make sure that you receive your medications on time, take care of your nutrition and meals as well as your personal hygiene 24/7.


Our physical therapists will help  in preparing you for surgical intervention as well as in early postoperative period. By working with you and providing adequate education after surgery, they will help you in reducing pain and make sure that you can return quickly to your life and daily routines.


 Admission in atlas hospital




It is necessary to leave a deposit (in cash) before your admission to the hospital for your planned operation. The deposit should cover the entire amount of your surgical treatment and hospital stay. If your hospital treatment requires some additional / unplanned costs, you will be notified and asked to pay the amount subsequently. Only those patients who leave the deposit before admission will be admitted for surgical treatment.

One you are admitted into our Hospital we are taking over the responsibility for your wellbeing.

We kindly ask you to follow our instructions in order to make your stay even more pleasant. Before arrival you should follow some rules:

You should bring the following with you to the hospital:

 Preparation for surgery



 priprema za operaciju

Preoperative preparation begins with examination and conversation with our doctors, when we both make a decision about surgical procedure. You will talk with our Operating room manager about possible date of surgical intervention, price and all other related details.

Depending on the surgery you will receive information about necessary diagnostic procedures that you will have to do before admission in hospital (unless all of the diagnostic procedures will be done in the hospital).

In order to speed up your admission, please fill in the Pre-admission questionnaire that you will find at the end of printed  Patient information leaflet or  you can download it at the beginning of this page. Please, be so kind to answer all questions, for your answers will help our medical team to provide you the best possible medical treatment. An integral part of the pre-admission questionnaire form is also a “List of medicines”, in which you need to enter all medicines that you regularly use.

Pre-op exams: cardiology and anesthesia

Before or during your admission you will be examined by our cardiologist and anesthesiologist.

Anesthesiologist will explain you the types of anesthesia, pros and cons between them and possible complications and will recommend the best option for you. If you agree, you will sign an informed consent.

After obtaining permissions for surgery by cardiologist and anesthesiologist, you will be taken to your room at the surgical ward.


One day before surgery




Depending on the type of surgery you will be asked to stop food intake, as well as some medications. Taking some medicines must be stopped several days before surgery.


On the day of surgery




If it was not planned otherwise, you will be admitted to the Hospital on the day of surgery, usually in the morning. After admission procedure is completed, you will be taken to your room and prepared for surgery. Nurse will accompany you to the Operating room where you will be taken over by anesthesiologist and his/her staff.  After premedication you will talk again with your surgeon before anesthesia is induced.

After surgical intervention you will be placed in Intensive Care Unit for some time,  where you will be supervised by anesthesiologist, and then taken to the surgical ward, where you will spend your time until discharge.


After surgery 



You will spent your postoperative time on surgical ward, where you will receive proper medications, dressing of the wound and where early rehabilitation will take place, which is especially important after orthopedic procedures.


Standard post op time


Doctors and nurses will be there for you 24/7. You can call them at any point of time if you have any additional questions.


Discharge from the hospital




How much time will you spend on the surgical ward depends on the type of surgery and speed of your recovery. If you came for a one-day surgical procedure, you will be discharged on the same day.

The day of discharge from the hospital depends on the type of surgical procedure, the agreement with the surgeon  and your general condition. Your family and or/contact person will be notified on the time of your discharge. The patient is dismissed from the hospital by doctor on duty  and / or a doctor who operated him/her. During the morning hours (08-09h) you will receive a LETTER OF DISCARGE with information on the necessary procedures and further treatment (dressing of postoperative wounds, sutures removal and check ups), after which you can leave the hospital ward.

Your discharge letter will contain a list of medication that you will have to take when you go home, the time for control examination, wound dressing and sutures or stitches removal and or other relevant information. You will also receive instruction about eventual diet and physical rehabilitation. If at the end of the hospital treatment you receive a proposal to continue your recovery in the Physical Medicine Department, you can contact the hospital staff for further information.

If a patient leaves the hospital contrary to the doctor’s advice, he/she is obliged to sign a statement on his / her own responsibility, in accordance with legal regulations.


In case that various implants have been used in your surgery, you will also receive a confirmation card which will allow you to pass the metal detectors (airports, courts etc).


Accommodation - Visiting hours - Meals





All of our patient rooms are equipped with bathrooms, lockers, air conditioning, cable TV, free WiFi, video surveillance, air purifiers and IP phone connectors.


Your friends and family can visit you every day in following time:poseta pacijenata

Monday – Friday  10 AM – 12 PM  and/or 4 PM – 6 PM

Saturday – Sunday  10 AM – 1 PM and/or 3 PM – 7 PM

Please check with our medical staff if you are allowed to consume food that would be brought to you by your family or friends.



You will find a menu next to your bed from which you can choose your meals, if not otherwise ordered by your doctor. Every day, the head nurse will record your food order for the next day. In the arrangement and consultations with our medical staff, you will choose your meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) that will be ordered and served three times a day.

 ishrana u Atlas bolnici

BREAKFAST – 8:30 AM     LUNCH – 1:30 PM   DINNER – 6:30 PM


Please tell us before you arrive at the hospital if you have allergies or some special dietary regimens outside of the standard.



rate our hospital




Before leaving our Hospital, the staff will give you an online survey on the tablet – an estimate of your stay, which you are asked to fill before you leave. It is an opportunity to evaluate the work of our services completely anonymously, for what are you relevant to, after your stay at the Atlas Hospital. The grades you can give are from 1-5 to 24 questions. Please be absolutely honest because you will draw attention to something that matters to you, point out possible omissions, give good suggestions that we will later implement or simply boast an individual or a particular sector. Filling out a survey will take you 5 minutes, and your answers will help us to further improve the services we provide. Thank you!


ocena boravka





Osmana Đikića 3, Belgrade

1100 Belgrade, Serbia

Working hours
